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“It’s just a convenience. MachShip has enabled me to expand my team and take a step back.”
Toby Drane
Logistics Dispatch Manager

Customer Spotlight

Grant Walker Parts

As their freight volumes kept rising, Grant Walker Parts needed a more streamlined shipping solution. Now their growing team is on the same page and keeping customers in the loop.

Grant Walker Parts is an automotive supplier, delivering parts to mechanical workshops, businesses, and private buyers all over Australia.

As their customer base and freight volumes grew, Logistics Dispatch Manager Toby Drane needed a more streamlined solution.

“Previously, we were using the platforms of our own carriers. So, if we were sending something with Australia Post, it would be booked through Australia Post,” he said.

“We probably send out 300-400 separate consignments per week. MachShip gave us the option to consolidate all of our bookings in one place. It seemed like the right time [to switch] with the volumes we were doing.”


Seamless onboarding & integrations

“The onboarding with MachShip was straightforward. From the user interface to the interaction that you have with the team. It was all pretty streamlined. We didn’t have too many hiccups along the way.”

“Anything we weren’t sure of, we could ask. I was actually quite impressed with the speed of their responsiveness with any questions that we had during onboarding.”

“MachShip is integrated with our eBay store, where we have quite a large presence. We have anywhere from 80-90 maximum per day, but averaging 40-50 sales a day on eBay.”

“All the shipping info that customers enter into eBay is automatically grabbed and pre-loaded in MachShip. So when invoices come through from our eBay team, all the information for the customer is already pre-loaded, which saves a massive amount of time.”

Game-changing features

“The best feature is just how streamlined it is to look for a consignment based on the customer’s reference or the name. When you’ve got everything consolidated in one place and we have a customer call up to check on their parcel, we can just jump straight into MachShip, punch that number in and it’ll show us the information straight away.”

“There’s no guessing if it’s been sent with FedEx, TNT, TGE or Australia Post. It’s in MachShip, it’s right there, and you can find it immediately.”

“This saves a lot of time when a customer gets through to one of our sales team instead of the logistics team. Our sales team aren’t necessarily going to be across all our logistics operations. So for them to be able to find it on the fly, very quickly and easily, is one of the biggest time-savers that we’ve had.”

“It’s great for customer experience because they’re not being put on hold. It’s something that anybody in the office can grab and get that information on hand.”

Invoice automation & visibility

“The other big feature for us is being able to upload our invoices into MachShip and see, at a glance, how much we’re being quoted from the carrier versus how much they’re actually charging us.”

“There’s a lot of additional features from there, like raising reports when there’s too much of a discrepancy. We can set a threshold that I don’t really get too upset about. As long as a consignment is within $10-20 of the original quote, you can sort of get a gauge of how much you’re losing or gaining at a glance with MachShip just by uploading the invoices into their system.”

“Additionally, you can generate a reconciliation report and they’ll put it in a format that you like. You can send these off to the carrier as well, covering all the specifics of what you would otherwise have to type out manually.”

Consistency & convenience across teams

“In addition to standard usage, MachShip is just a convenience. You don’t really realise how much you use it until you start using it. It’s enabled me to expand my team and take a step back. I used to be heavily involved with a lot of the freight booking, as well as the quoting and costing elements of our logistics department, which I can now outsource.”

“We have a team working remotely now. They all have access to the same platform and everybody’s seeing the same thing. We have multiple teams in different locations, all working from the same set of data that they’re getting from MachShip.”

“So, it’s enabled us to really expand our logistics team without the need for in-depth training on different platforms and having multiple people on-site. It’s really enabled us to grow in that sense.”