How Technology Can Improve Your Customers’ Experience

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For retailers, wholesalers, and freight logistics companies, customer experience is crucial for standing out in your market and generating recurring business. As online markets continue to evolve and mature, consumers have more buying options and they are unlikely to stay loyal to businesses that don’t provide a memorable experience.

Fortunately, for companies looking to retain more long-term customers there are technologies that can help to create happy buyers that want to stick around and refer other customers to your business. With the right tools, you are now able to:

  • Create memorable touchpoints
  • Replicate real-world shopping experiences
  • And generate more profit per customer in the process 

One of the key stages in the development of a long term customer is immediately after they make an order (or purchase) with your company. How you communicate with your customers about Shipping management, order updates, and post-purchase milestones is now completely within your control. In this blog, we will cover exactly how to use technology to compete with big companies like Amazon and ensure you are maximising the likelihood of returning customers.

Why customer expectations around ordering online have changed

For businesses selling products online, there has always been one big hurdle… how to replicate the thrill and instant gratification of buying products in real life. Customers want to feel secure and excited about doing business with a company, and finally, technology is starting to make this possible.

Large companies like Amazon have led the way with “one-click” ordering, perfectly timed cross-selling, and fantastic post-purchase communication. But fortunately, there are technologies now available that can help all businesses catch up and start to compete on an even playing field again. From real-time order updates to loyalty and referral program invitations — tools like MachShip allow you to take control of the communications your customers receive and drive up customer lifetime value (CLV) in the process.

As online commerce continues to advance, delivering amazing customer experiences will no longer be optional for retailers, wholesalers and freight brokers that want to stay in business. With online shopping experiences improving — across the board — delivering poor order and shipping management communications will no longer be accepted.  

How technology can make your customer experience memorable

For businesses looking to gain a competitive edge in their market — the first place to look is your customer experience. Online shopping is essentially an emotional experience, and if you can make the process memorable and enjoyable for new customers, they are much more likely to come back time and time again. Fortunately, this doesn’t require spending more on labour or customer acquisition — automation can do the heavy lifting.

Email and SMS are fantastic channels for communicating with customers after they place an order online — but the question is, what information should you send? With MachShip you can deliver and customised responsive alerts to your customers, including:

  • Up-to-the-minute tracking for orders
  • Proof of delivery confirmations
  • Added value (in the form of tips, deals, and surprise perks)

These can all be delivered at particular post-purchase milestones with your branding — which further brings the customer into your world and cements the relationship you have begun with them. Whether you are selling B2C, B2B, or even managing the freight for other companies, having your automated touchpoints set up correctly — with dynamic, personalised information — can significantly improve your customer satisfaction and bottom-line profitability.

By personalising the buyer journey we can also simulate the real-world shopping experience that consumers expect when shopping at brick and mortar outlets. From personalised product recommendations to surprise perks (like coupons and gifts) it’s now possible to give customers a business transaction that they remember and rave about.

How to leverage your customer experience to grow your business

Immediately after a customer places an order is the most engaged they will ever be with your business. You have a captive audience while they wait to hear from you and receive their goods.

What does this mean for your business? You have their fullest attention and a rare opportunity to deliver important messages. Combined with your order updates, you can include things like:

  • An introduction to your referral program
  • A link to complete a satisfaction survey
  • A coupon for their next purchase
  • A link to a complimentary product
  • A link to complete a Net Promoter Score

The options are endless, and the most powerful messages to deliver in this unique window will depend on your business and industry.

With the MachShip platform, you can also host your tracking pages on your website and send your customer back to your site each time they want to check their order status. This allows you to instantly boost your site traffic, give customers more opportunities to shop your range, and ultimately increase your CLV— with no extra effort from you. This is made possible with our integrations with popular eCommerce platforms such as Shopify, WooCommerce, and Magento.

If you’re seeing a lack of return customers, your shipping communications and customer experience may be to blame. So, now is the time to revisit your approach and leverage technology to create 1-to-1 memorable touchpoints with your customers, at scale. The price of failing to innovate has never been so high and we’d love to help you take the next step.

To learn more about MachShip, book a demo with one of our cloud logistics experts. Click here to get in touch or learn more about our features here.