5. Contract & Commitment
How many carriers does MachShip have and can I add more?
MachShip is integrated with over 500 carriers, with hundreds of these being full integrations that support tracking.
We’re also adding new carriers all the time, averaging 4-6 new carrier integrations per month.
Does MachShip have available rates I can utilise?
No, MachShip doesn’t provide carrier rates. All customers bring their own carrier accounts and rates to our platform. We specifically work with businesses who have a direct relationship with their carriers. If you’re looking for carrier rates, we can connect you with any of the freight brokers in our network.
Does MachShip have international shipping capability?
Yes! We now give customers the ability to ship internationally – to and from Australia – via our international carriers, AusPost and FedEx. We’re also in the process of adding more international carriers in the coming months.
What’s the average setup time if my carriers are already supported within the MachShip platform?
We’re always looking to grow our carrier network to fully support our clients. We welcome introductions to any new carriers that aren’t already integrated in our system. New carriers will take a little longer to implement – the exact timeframe will vary depending on the carrier – but we’re open to bringing any new carriers onboard to be fully supported within MachShip.
What’s the average setup time to integrate MachShip with my WMS/ERP/Ecommerce platform?
For our native integrations, we can have you all tested and connected within 7 business days. We can also build solutions for any custom in-house ERP/WMS systems. Please get in touch and we can scope out the requirements.
Do I have to update rates and fuel surcharges manually?
This depends on the carrier. With some carriers, rates are updated automatically, depending on how we’re receiving rate data (via API or rate card upload). For others, updating rates and surcharges is quick and easy within the MachShip platform.
As well as indicating what the price of a consignment will be, MachShip displays the ETA of any given delivery. We’re across the transit schedules of all our supported carriers. These ETAs come directly from the carriers themselves and reflect the carriers’ expected time of arrival.
We’re regularly supplied with updated ‘zone sets’. We’ve got the most current zone sets of the transport carriers and the transit schedules within those zones. So we know where they go, and we know how long it takes to get from A to B across all the services that they provide.
Yes, MachShip provides an opt-in service for automatic consolidation of consignments prior to manifest, provided the sending location and the receiving location are the same.
In other words, if you’re sending separate orders to the same address on the same day, MachShip will automatically consolidate that order into a single shipment, saving you on shipping costs. MachShip has the ability to recognise when freight is going from a particular location to the same destination with the same transport provider – automatically combining them into one consignment.
This saves on carriers’ basic charge, which adds up over time. One MachShip customer has estimated that this function alone saves their business $250,000 a year. It also reduces the amount of paperwork and improves the consolidation of data.
Put simply, it’s like if you and a friend needed to get a taxi somewhere. If you each took a separate taxi, there’s a basic charge just for sitting in the taxi. If you took the taxi together, you’re only paying that charge once.
If you are an existing customer and would like to switched on please reach out to support@machship.com
MachShip is an independent, multi-carrier freight management system. We offer a single point of integration to all the carriers supported on our system. All our customers bring their own carrier accounts, rates, and contracts to the platform.
In other words, it’s BYO carriers. You’ll continue your existing relationships with couriers. MachShip simply makes the process easier to manage, providing you with an automated booking process and visibility across your carrier network.
MachShip’s relationship with carriers is purely at an IT level, in terms of passing on order information to create consignments, providing labels compliant with their freight specs, and pulling tracking information back from them for your visibility.
We’re not a freight broker. We don’t interfere with your courier accounts or relationships. We don’t act as a middleman. We simply streamline the shipping process for you.
Do I need to sign up for a long-term contract?
No. All of MachShip’s flexible pricing options are based on month-to-month subscriptions with no lock-in or long-term contracts. You can cancel anytime with 30 days’ notice.
Yes, you can consign most dangerous goods with MachShip. Dangerous goods are classified by a UN code, which determines their class and specific handling requirements. For example, lithium-ion batteries are classified under UN code 3480.
MachShip is fully up to date with dangerous goods legislation, UN codes, packaging classes, and the necessary documentation to help you safely and easily consign these items.
Please note: While we support a wide range of dangerous goods, we currently do not facilitate the consigning of Class 1 Dangerous Goods, which include explosive substances and articles.
Can I book on my customers’ carrier accounts?
Yes, surcharges are fully included at the point of quote. Full visibility on accurate pricing is integral to proper freight management. MachShip ensures that your full suite of carrier surcharges is accommodated at the point of quoting and creating a consignment.
We factor in all surcharges relevant to the goods that you’re shipping, the carrier you’re using, and where you’re sending your freight.
MachShip has a fully featured and accessible API, meaning that integration with your existing systems is quick and seamless. Even for platforms we haven’t yet integrated with, we’re well equipped to sync up without missing a beat. MachShip is built to fit within any logistics workflow, rather than intrude.
To authenticate with the MachShip API, add a ‘Token’ header to your requests with your API key as the value. You can find the full API documentation here.
Your API key inherits the permissions of the user it’s generated against. To use a test mode, put the user into ‘test mode’, and the API key associated with that user will inherit this setting. Test mode is used for creating test consignments that aren’t sent to the carrier.
No, you don’t have to change any URLs or credentials when transitioning from the test to the live environment. Simply update the user’s test mode setting.
You’ll likely use the following API endpoints:
There are two common integration workflows:
When you don’t collect package dimensions, weights, and types in your system. In this workflow, you create a ‘Pending Consignment’ in MachShip via the API with FROM, TO address details and reference numbers. You then pick and pack the order, add the packages to the pending consignment, and select a carrier. Labels are printed, and you collect updates about the consignment and push them back to your system.
When you do collect package dimensions, weights, and types in your system. You can also use a hybrid approach. In this workflow, you create a shipment/order in your system, pack it with weights and dimensions, and send a CreateConsignment API call with the PRINTER token. MachShip responds with all consignment details, instantly creating the consignment and triggering printing. You collect updates and push them back to your system.
What are some additional resources for creating consignments and manifesting via the API?
You can refer to the following guides for more information:
A guide to generating prices and routes via the API
A guide to creating consignments via the API
A guide to creating Dangerous Goods Consignments via the API
How to Manifest via the MachShip API
What should I keep in mind when deciding on an integration workflow with MachShip?
You should consider whether you want to display shipping options/prices in your system (requires knowledge of packing dimensions), validate addresses, and whether you want to handle label generation and printing.
Please feel free to reach out to our support team for further assistance and guidance on your specific integration needs.
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